launched two new handsets the Lava A72 and the Lava A76. Another handset called the Lava A89 will be launched in coming weeks. A72 is priced at Rs. 6,499, A76 is priced at Rs. 5,699 and the A89 will be priced at Rs. 5,999.
These handsets are powered by Quad Core processor clocked at 1.5GHz. The A72, A76 and A89 is loaded with 1GB RAM and 8GB ROM plus micro SD card support of up to 32GB. All these 3 handsets come with 4G LTE VoLTE support and are running Android Lollipop 5.1 out of the box. A72 and A89 will get Marshmallow update.
When it comes to the screen A76 sports a 4.5 inch display and A72 and A89 comes with 5 inch display. The screen resolution is not mentioned. All these 3 handset comes with a 5MP primary camera placed on the back with LED flash support, but when it comes to the front camera the A72 comes with 5MP front camera with flash, A76 comes with VGA front camera with flash and A89 comes with a 2MP front camera with LED flash.
Other common features are 4G, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth. A72 gets power from a 2500 mAh battery, A76 from 1850 mAh battery and A89 from a 2000 mAh battery.
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