WhatsApp always stands last in adding features but it never matters. It’s competitors Telegram or Facebook Messenger already hyper-integrated many features but they haven’t officially arrived on WhatsApp. By installing qeuBot App adds series of useful features to WhatsApp. It is Easy to Setup and doesn’t require any root permissions.
When you open qeuBot App for the first time it will ask for App’s access permission. Once you allow, you can go to any chat or group on WhatsApp and use the below commands.
Download the App from Playstore
- Search Wikipedia: [@wiki] Displays the body of a Wikipedia entry if the search parameter coincides with one.
- Calculator: [@calc] Displays the result of the introduced operation, accepting all sorts of basic operations.
- News: [@news] Displays a news feed of current events related with the search term. (Paid feature.)
- IMDB: [@imdb] Displays a full entry with information about the film in question.
- Animated GIFs: [@gif] Displays a series of search results for animated GIFs through Giphy and lets you insert them directly into chats. (Paid feature.)
- Images: [@pic] Displays the main search results of the term through Bing Images.
- Weather: [@weather] Shows meteorological info for the place in question. Can also display a forecast for the next few days by typing [@forecast]
- Horoscope: [@horoscope] Displays that day’s horoscope for the sign in question.+